Friday, October 22, 2010


A friend of mine had got back with his wife, but during there split she moved to Va. and he had got in trouble with the law, and was on probation in md but against probation officers word he went down Va. and got caught with 20thousand and some drugs. so any way he got out on bail 2-3-08 in Md. and on 3-5-08 got caught with 3pounds of marijuana coul he get out of this if he had the right lawyer and money or is his goose cooked no matter how much money he has???NO SARCASM OR JOKES ONLY PEOPLE WITH KNOWLEDGe OF THE LAW?
In my experience...Money talks.Unfortunately.NO SARCASM OR JOKES ONLY PEOPLE WITH KNOWLEDGe OF THE LAW?
With a good lawyer, very wealthy people frequently get away with things that the less well-off cannot, alas. If your friend knows of such a lawyer, who has a record of successfully defending clients who appeared to be in no-hope situations before their trials, he'd be advised to employ him or her.

Essentially, your friend committed crimes and has a prior criminal record, and should be prepared to accept the punishment for what he did. A good lawyer can make all the difference, but can often only negotiate a better deal or settlement.
Even if he had the right lawyer he would not be able to get out of this. He's had a history with drugs in the past as you've mentioned and on top of that marijuana is considered illegal (unless distributed to you by a hospital facility for medical purposes BUT even then 3 pounds of marijuana is a lot) so him having possession of something illegal is a crime itself.
I'm no lawyer but I've studied some law and dealt with courts.

From what you explain your friend is in a bunch of trouble. Specially because he was charged twice in just over a month AFTER violating his probation terms, which can only play against this persons case. Secondly was the amount of drugs he possessed. 3 pounds of marijuana can be possession with the intent to sell.

Unless he gets a genius lawyer your friend is in a world of trouble.

He could be charged with 4 to 5 different charges.
That is a probation vilolation and another charge with drugs, he will probably do time of whatever he was on probation for at the least unless he has the dream team working for him.
the only one not going to jail is his lawyer. your pal needs a sign around his neck saying';stoopid'; sorry.
On probation; caught with 20K %26amp; drugs; while on bail caught with 3 lb grass.

Jail time. Period
Instead of worrying about what will happen to him, you need to find a better group of friends.

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