Friday, October 22, 2010

My boyfriend needs to get it together.?

Hey I am 23 years old and a college student. My boyfriend is 1 month older than me and we have been together for almost 5 years now. He is about to graduate and find a good paying job but for now we just recently went from living together to back at our parents houses. This would be ok but we have a 8 month old together, which forced me to grow up fast. I am employed and he recently quit a great paying job because the hours were too crucial. So I am the only one working right now, when I propose that he follow up with another job offer he doesnt jump at the opprotunity and he loves the thought of living back with his parents rent free. I myself am not really the type to feel comfortable doing this for a long period of time. He plans on living with his parents till we can save up for a down payment for a house which will take a long time cause he hasnt started job searching and wont till summer ends. I was recently on the computer and spotted that he went on this website that has comments about passing a drug test. Yes, he has been smoking marijuana behind my back again. Now you and I both know that you wouldnt be able to get a good job and support your family if you cant pass the drug test. He has been babysitting while I work hard and when I come home hes out the door to go to his friends house(where he smokes). Or hes going to a party every week, and i feel that it's every other day that he does this. Now I come home and do what Im supposed to do, he doesnt cook, clean, do laundry at all. I am left to do this when I get home plus take care of my son cause he nags me that he himself hasnt been out the house in days. So out of guilt I let him go after letting him know how I feel about it. He has no plans of marriage anytime soon and all he wants to do is act like a child. Should I leave? To open his eyes that he needs to be responsible?My boyfriend needs to get it together.?
Hmm, well your doing things all on your own right now, so yeah, dump him until he can prove he can be mature. Don't try to control him into doing things. Not saying you are cause I have no idea. But he does need to learn that there are consequences for not helping out.My boyfriend needs to get it together.?
You haven't left yet? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for him to grow up and grow a pair as in take care of his family? Look as long as he is smoking weed and possibly whatever else he may be doing. His addiction to weed is only prolonging or delaying his emotional, spiritual, vocational, development to real fatherhood. Whenever a person places their drug of choice before the happiness of their family, their career goals and aspirations They are addicted. Additionally a side effect of weed is amotivational syndrome. The person seems to loose almost all of their drive to achieve, they seem to be almost lazy, and forgetful. They usually become more complacent and will procrastinate more and more

As soon as he gets help with his drug problem and deal with the challenges of adulthood and you get help for yourself to stop enabling him the sooner the two of you can move forward with your lives. And your child's life will be better also with a father that is there for him in all aspects of his life.
yep, not worth having him around sorry. he's not doing anything for you or your son so if he can't pull his socks up, ditch him. sounds like you are already surviving without him just fine.

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